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Matthew Brooks

Getting to know: Matthew Brooks

Out of all the Brooks brothers, Matthew is certainly the fiery one. It’s right there in his colors, red and orange, along with his steely gray eyes. Although his heart is always in the right place, his actions can end up being as misguided as they are dangerous.

Here are a few fun facts about the rebellious Matt Brooks:

Birthday: May 1st

Birth Name: Matthew Thorne

Online Gamer Name: Noir

Song: Start a riot by Banners

He would never admit: Spiders creep him out.

Favorite class: Chemistry.

Favorite extracurricular class: If he had time to take it, Debate, though he feels obligated to say swimming.

Favorite animal: sharks, they’re as essential to the oceans as they’re misunderstood by humanity.

Last Halloween costume: Evil sorcerer. He even wore his scales out so he wouldn’t have to paint his skin. Julian was not amused.

Favorite ice cream: Pistachio.

Favorite fruit: Mango, it even has his colors.

Favorite superhero: Batman.

His mantra: Accept no crap.

Favorite quote: “Everything happens for a reason: the reason that you’re an idiot and make bad decisions.”

You’ll see more of Matthew and the rest of the Brooks in the upcoming Undertow - A Merfolk Legacy.